Category: News

Mike Sessions Earns Professional Engineering Registration

PROCESS is pleased to announce that Mike Sessions, working out of the Daphne, Alabama office, has just recently completed the requirements for and been awarded his P.E. license for the state of Alabama. We congratulate Mike on achieving this significant accomplishment. Mike will be assuming the role of Business Unit Manager for the Alabama office moving forward.

PROCESS Opens Gulf Coast Regional Office

PROCESS has formed a new office in the Mobile, Alabama area for the purpose of serving our clients along the U.S. Gulf Coast region more effectively. Mr. Louis Herrington, P.E. (B.S. Chemical Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, 1961) is serving as the Business Unit Manager for this office and Mr. Mike Sessions (M.S. Chemical Engineering, Tennessee Technological University, 1985) serves as the Chief Process Engineer for the office. Office contact information:

Process Engineering Associates, LLC
25353 Friendship Road, Suite B
Daphne, AL 36526
(251) 635-7649

Robust Growth Returns to PROCESS

After the “down” years (by our standards) of 2009 and 2010, when we achieved only a 20% combined growth total for those two years, PROCESS grew by 21.4% as measured by sales during 2011. As always, we thank our loyal long-time customers as well as our new and soon-to-be customers for our success.

‘Cracker’ Preliminary Design Project Makes News

PROCESS is performing a series of feasibility studies and preliminary process design work for a consortium in West Virginia called Invictus LLC. The company plans to build an Ethylene Cracker unit to produce Ethylene and other products at a site in WV. The plant would utilize the growing supply of wet shale gas reserves that are part of both the Marcellus and Utica fields. This gas contains a high concentration of ethane and other heavier hydrocarbons. The plant under consideration would include front end gas cleanup and separations, the Cracker unit, and associated downstream separations units.

The following news articles on this project were recently released:

PROCESS Client Featured on “World’s Greatest” Television Show

May 2010 – Diversified CPC International, Inc. was recently selected by the ION Network to be in their “World’s Greatest” series representing specialty gas producers. Diversified CPC International is a global leader in the production of high quality aerosol propellants, specialty gases, alternative fuels, NGL refrigerants, physical foam blowing agents, and related products.  PROCESS is proud to have provided process engineering design services on a number of different projects for this client. There is no better reward than to play a role in helping our clients be successful.

Congratulations to Diversified CPC International, Inc. !

PROCESS Now Registered with SABIC

January 2010 – PROCESS was officially notified that it is now an approved contractor for process engineering services to Saudi Basic Industries Corporation (SABIC). SABIC is one of the world’s leading manufacturers of chemicals, fertilizers, plastics, and metals. SABIC is also is the largest non-oil company in the Middle East and one of the world’s five largest petrochemicals manufacturers.

PROCESS is exclusively represented in Saudi Arabia by House of Energy & Industrial Technologies Co. Ltd. (HOEIT). Without the expert assistance and support of HOEIT this vendor approval would not have been possible. This approval is one more step towards securing increased process engineering work from abroad.

PROCESS Launches New Subsidiary to Focus on International Projects

Oak Ridge, Tennessee – January 30, 2009 – Process Engineering Associates, LLC (PROCESS) announces the immediate formation of PROCESS ENGINEERING INTERNATIONAL, LLC, a U.S. based chemical engineering company that will focus primarily on the need for chemical engineering services in the overseas markets.  The overall goal of Process Engineering International will be to provide expert process simulation, process design, construction oversight, and process safety solutions to non-U.S. based clients.

The formation of a subsidiary company to concentrate only on international chemical engineering work will complement PROCESS‘ domestic operations by allowing overseas customers to realize the same high quality service and innovative solutions to which U.S. customers have become accustomed.

Based in Oak Ridge, Tennessee (USA), Process Engineering International will use the resources of a multitude of chemical engineers and chemical engineering tools to provide services to improve operations of overseas clients. Personnel are available to do work remotely or at the client’s location, virtually anywhere in the world.

Process Engineering International has access to staff with on-site experience in Europe, Asia, and North America.  A partial list of targeted industries includes chemical production, petroleum refining, petrochemical production, alternative fuels generation, pharmaceuticals, waste/wastewater treatment, and many others.

For additional information on Process Engineering International, call the main office at +1 865 220 8732 or visit their web site at


PROCESS Now Registered with Saudi Aramco

Earlier this year PROCESS signed an agreement with a company named House of Energy & Industrial Technologies Co. Ltd. (HOEIT) to act as a sales Representative for our services in Saudi Arabia. In support of these efforts, and with the expert assistance of HOEIT, PROCESS applied for and was granted official approval as an out of country supplier of engineering services to Saudi Aramco. Saudi Aramco is the national oil company of Saudi Arabia. It is the largest oil corporation in the world with the largest proven crude oil reserves and production. This approval is one step towards securing increased process engineering design work from abroad.

National News Article

USA Today recently ran an article on a project to design and test a CO2 Capture Pilot-Plant at a Coal-Fired Power Plant. PROCESS provided significant process design and engineering services to this project as a subcontractor to Lambert Engineers, Inc. After running the plant, Alstom officials now say preliminary data shows that carbon capture demonstration project is successful.

Read a summary of our role in the CO2 Capture Pilot-Plant Project

Blind Chemical Engineer Interns at PROCESS

Mr. Noel Romey (B.S., Chemical Engineering, University of Arkansas, 2004), is currently interning in PROCESS’ Oak Ridge, Tennessee office.  Noel is unique in that he is, as far as anyone knows, the first blind since birth chemical engineer in history!  His internship is part of his graduate school work and is meant to demonstrate his ability to do commercial sector chemical engineering as well as to discover the technological obstacles that need to be overcome in the future such that he can become a fully-independent worker in a competitive free market environment.

Using specialized equipment, Noel can perform computer process simulations using PROCESS’ licensed commercial process simulation software, Chemstations’ CHEMCAD.  Thus far, Noel has produced several comprehensive petroleum refinery simulations:

  • Diesel hydrotreater
  • Amine treater
  • Scot tail gas unit
  • Fuel gas treater
  • Sour water stripper

In addition, Noel has generated simulations for client-specific projects in the Oak Ridge office:

  • Methanol and glycerine fractionation systems for a biodiesel production facility
  • High-purity propylene fractionation system for a hydrocarbon light ends production company

Noel has also performed a boiling point curve analysis of a hydrocarbon feed stream and characterized the stream in terms of paraffinic hydrocarbon compounds in support of a process evaluation project.  Finally, he completed the simulation that appears in PROCESS’ Excel Interface demonstration video and wrote the original text for the demonstration verbal presentation.

It has been a great learning experience, for both Noel and PROCESS.  We are very glad to have him here.