Most facilities include multiple unit operations to enrich and refine the valuable materials and then treat the tailings before disposal. Many common fundamental mass transport and separations technologies are incorporated, some chemical and some physical in nature (size reduction, floatation, magnetic separation, roasting, leaching, selective precipitation, ion exchange, solvent extraction). In addition to the core process, utilities optimization and well-engineered stream recycling can often make the difference between a profitable or unprofitable facility.
Here at PROCESS, we provide metals and minerals processing solutions to support your operations. We design the process from the fundamentals up and utilize the expertise of our client and specialized equipment manufacturers as needed to help ensure the process we design will perform at an optimum level.
At PROCESS, we have the expertise to support our clients in developing innovative metallurgical processes from a conceptual theoretical process, through bench scale and pilot plant testing, to the engineering, construction and start-up phases of the facilities.
Process Design Definition: Definition of the overall process system and technical requirements, predicting expected process behavior through modeling and simulation, as well as evaluating viable process alternatives. The process design provides a road map / blueprint for other design disciplines to follow.
- Strategic planning support
- Test work planning and follow-up
- Design Criteria development
- Feasibility /alternatives studies
- Block Flow Diagrams (BFDs)
- Conceptual design
- Capital Project Development Support (FEL-0, 1, 2, 3)
- Process simulation and analysis (CHEMCAD, ASPEN, HYSYS, METSIM, etc.)
- Material and Energy balances
- Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs)
- Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P&IDs)
- Process Equipment Specification
- Permitting support
Technology Metals: Rare Earths Element, Platinoids and Uranium Technology metals are elements used in advanced technological applications such as electronics, advanced technology systems, alternative energy sources and energy storage. Most of the applications for technology metals are recent and extraction processes are typically tailored to the specific mineral deposit structure. PROCESS’ design experts can assist with developing unique processes for your specific deposit using state-of-the-art physical and hydrometallurgical processes.
Contact us to learn more about our metals and minerals processing solutions and how we can help improve your operations.