Day: April 21, 2023

A long-time PROCESS client’s new biorefinery reaches design processing capacity

Calumet Specialty Products Partners LP is a long-time client of Process Engineering Associates, LLC (PROCESS).  Their subsidiary company, Montana Renewables, recently achieved design throughput capacity for processing renewable feedstocks into low-emission sustainable fuel alternatives at the operator’s renewables manufacturing plant in Montana.
Calumet Specialty Products Partners LP subsidiary Montana Renewables LLC (MRL) has achieved the design throughput capacity for processing renewable feedstocks into low-emission sustainable fuel alternatives at the operator’s renewables manufacturing plant in Great Falls, Mont. (read the full story here: OGJ Online, Sept. 8, 2021).

Co-located at fellow subsidiary Calumet Montana Refining LLC’s (CMRL) Great Falls conventional refinery and specialty asphalt plant, MRL’s biorefinery reached its design processing capacity for renewable feedstocks of 15,000 b/sd as of Apr. 18 following commissioning of the operator’s new renewable hydrogen plant on Mar. 4, Calumet said.
While Calumet did not disclose a capacity of the new hydrogen plant, the new installation produces renewable hydrogen—or green hydrogen—by splitting water into hydrogen and oxygen using hydrogen gases collected from the biorefinery’s renewable diesel reactor. The plant then recycles the green hydrogen for reuse within the biorefinery using a patent-pending but yet-to-be-identified technology, according to MRL’s website.

PROCESS congratulates Calumet Montana Refining on this very significant accomplishment and wishes them many productive, profitable, and safe years of operation to come.