Project Synopsis

On-site engineering assistance for batch specialty chemical production systems design, construction, and startup.

Project Summary


The client owns and operates a batch specialty organic chemical manufacturing facility in the U.S. and was in the process of designing and installing two new specialty organic chemical manufacturing processes.  Process Engineering Associates, LLC (PROCESS) was contracted to provide design services for both processes and, in addition, was contracted for this project to provide an on-site project engineer to assist both with PROCESS’ development of designs and with client process engineering needs in support of the projects.  Specific tasks completed included:

  • Preliminary capital cost estimates preparation
  • Existing vessel and equipment capacity and suitability evaluations
  • Process descriptions preparation
  • Process controls descriptions preparation
  • Equipment lists preparation
  • Equipment vendor bid evaluations
  • Equipment modification requests for quotation (RFQs) preparation
  • Equipment design temperature and pressure re-rate facilitation
  • Specialty process equipment piping & instrumentation diagrams (P&IDs) preparation
  • Client process engineering representative for design review meetings
  • Client process engineering representative for Process Hazards Analyses (PHAs)
  • Design review recommendation tracking
  • Detail engineering company bid evaluations
  • Process vent header isometric drawings modification and preparation
  • Process vent streams physical and chemical characterizations development
  • Utilities systems operating procedures preparation
  • Truck unloading facilities operating procedures preparation
  • Production processes operating procedures preparation
  • Operator process training
  • Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR) facilitation
  • Startup assistance.

PROCESS was able to successfully strike a delicate balance between representing the client’s interests and serving PROCESS’ process design teams during the course of this project.  Client satisfaction concerning this arrangement was evidenced by project extensions authorized by the client for this project.

Industry Type

  • Batch Specialty Organic Chemical

Utilized Skills

  • On-site process engineering
  • Engineering RFQ's preparation
  • PHA facilitation
  • PSSR facilitation
  • Operating procedures preparation
  • Operator training
  • Startup assistance
  • Process development

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