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Develop a complete PSM and RMP program at multiple U.S. chemical manufacturer's locations.
Determine PSM process coverage, perform hazards assessments, and prepare facility Risk Management Plan.
Provide PSM program Gap Analyses at various plant sites to assist in improvement overall PSM program effectiveness and compliance.
Perform an audit of the process safety information (PSI) at several of the storage terminals to assess the level of compliance of these sites with the PSI requirements of OSHA’s PSM regulation, 29 CFR 1910.119, and the accident prevention Program Level 3 requirements of EPA’s RMP regulation, 40 CFR 68. Subsequently provide process safety management (PSM) compliance support to address deficiencies found in the process safety information for the various sites.
Perform regulatory compliance audits at multiple petroleum refineries to comply with OSHA Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals and EPA Risk Management Program regulations.
PSM/RMP assistance which included identifying the extent of regulatory coverage, hazard assessment of selected process areas and preparation Risk Management Plan.
Teach Management of Change (MOC) training courses at client plant operating sites.
Perform process safety and risk management Process Hazards Analysis (PHA) meetings to mitigate the possibility of accidents or releases.
Perform Process Hazards Assessments (PHAs) and adequately document findings at multiple refined product pipeline terminals throughout the U.S.

Perform process safety and risk management Process Hazards Analysis (PHA) meetings to mitigate the possibility of accidents or releases.