- Municipal Landfill Derived Biogas Purification System Process Design
- Ethanol Plant Beer Columns Troubleshooting and Improvement Study
- Waterless Biodiesel Plant Process Design
- Cattle Manure Derived Biogas Purification System Process Design
- Biodiesel Plant Improvements for Methanol Drying Column Design
- Environmental Permitting Assistance for New Gasification Plant
- Sugar Cane to Ethanol Pilot Plant Process Design and Process Improvements Engineering
- Cellulosic Ethanol Demonstration Plant Preliminary Design
- Independent Third-Party Design Review of New Tire Recycling Pyrolysis Plant
- Cellulosic Ethanol Demonstration Plant Bid Package Preparation
- Mixed Alcohols Plant Truck Unloading Flare System Analysis
- Ethanol Production Facility Relief Device Evaluation and Sizing
- Waste Plastics Fast Pyrolysis Distillation Design and Process Review
- Biodiesel Plant Independent Process Evaluation, Troubleshooting, and Startup Support
- Ethanol Production Facility Heat Exchanger Evaluation and Design
- Mothballed Biodiesel Plant Process Improvement Engineering Support
- Shutdown Biodiesel Plant Test Run Support
- Biodiesel Plant Methanol / Glycerine Distillation Unit Debottlenecking
- Bagasse to Ethanol Demonstration Plant Process Simulation Development
- Evaluation of Safe Atmospheric PSV Discharges for an Ethanol Plant
- Ethanol Plant Beer Column Reboiler Debottlenecking Study
- Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) Based Electrical Generation Unit Preliminary Process Design
- Ethanol Plant Distillation Unit PSV Release LEL Plume Modeling
- Ethanol Plant Dryer System 'As-Built' P&ID Drawing Development
- Batch Chemical Process Engineering Support During Detail Design Phase