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Startup assistance of a benzoic acid production area with new catalyst addition system and modified acid purification distillation unit.
On-site engineering assistance for batch specialty chemical production systems design, construction, and startup.
Provide a third-party evaluation of emissions control system alternatives on four (4) fixed-roof storage tanks with the objective of avoiding volatile organic compound (VOC) releases, especially those in excess of air permit limits.
Support a corporate engineering group by designing all of the heat exchangers for a new batch specialty chemicals manufacturing facility.
Perform preliminary process design and preliminary capital and operating cost estimates for an upgraded product recovery system designed to handle increased throughput and improve product recovery.
Evaluate a batch process for a new type of polymer-based encapsulation product and provide engineering support to scale up the pilot scale process to large scale product reactors.
Evaluation of plant utilities (vents, thermal oxidizer, flares, steam, hot oil and nitrogen systems) for the purpose of supporting a new plant process. Vent System Simulation Diagram
Thermal Oxidizer Simulation Diagram
Perform a relief device documentation audit of a chemical production facility.
Complete process design for a major chemical production capacity expansion project utilizing existing, idle equipment in combination with new purchased equipment.
Pilot testing of a batch process byproduct reaction system and development of a process design for commercial scale implementation in a new metal powder production facility.
Perform relief valve and rupture disk evaluations in support of a commodity batch chemical plant expansion.
Prepare a scale-up process design package (lab to pilot-scale) for the production of a specialty activated carbon for an ion battery manufacturer.
Analyze existing process equipment capacity and suggest steps to improve and enhance product heating system capability at a resin manufacturing plant.
Develop a preliminary process design to a startup technology provider company for a proposed biomass refining process designed to produce a slate of glucose-derived adhesives.
Comprehensive process design package preparation for a new batch specialty organic chemical manufacturing process. Simulation Diagram
Provide subcontracted process design and engineering support for a specialty chemicals plant expansion project during the detail design phase.
Develop an FEL-2 level process design package for a pilot-plant to convert Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) to hydrogen.
Develop preliminary process design information for converting cow manure derived biogas into methanol.
Develop client 'As-Built' drawings of a new dryer system based on vendor supplied drawings.
Provide process engineering technical guidance to help develop a project for producing product quality hydrocarbons from a municipal solid waste (MSW) syngas, as well as performing process alternatives technical and economic evaluations.
Perform a overpressure vapor cloud release Lower Explosion Limit (LEL) study for the distillation unit in an ethanol production facility.
Develop preliminary process design information (FEL-1) for an electrical generation unit driven by a municipal solid waste (MSW) pyrolysis system.
Provide process engineering technical guidance to help develop a project for producing product quality hydrocarbons from a municipal solid waste (MSW) syngas, as well as performing process alternatives technical and economic evaluations.
Evaluate deflagration mitigation systems on a pressurized syngas vessel.