- Refinery Wastewater Effluent Throughput Capacity Study and Debottlenecking
- Firewater System Hydraulics Study to Support a New Refinery Processing Unit
- Hydrocarbon Tank Farm Condensate Recovery System Modeling and Debottlenecking
- Splitter and Stabilization Column Reboiler Improvement
- FCC Unit Wet Gas Compressor Lube-Oil Filter Improvement Design
- Refinery Crude Furnace and Feed Train Hydraulic Improvements Engineering
- Specify Process Instrumentation Ranges for Refinery Upgrade
- Development of Refinery Safe Operating Limits (SOL)
- Petroleum Refinery PSM Compliance Support and Process Safety Information Development
- Petroleum Refinery Process Safety Information Development
- Determination of Refinery Maximum Intended Inventory Levels
- Lubricants Production Facility OSHA PSM and EPA RMP Compliance Assessment
- Refinery Complex Relief Valve Study and Flare System Capacity Evaluation
- Refinery Fuel Gas System Review and Instrumentation Recommendations
- Petroleum Refinery Crude Tower Replacement Study
- Phase II Refinery Relief & Flare System Evaluation Project
- Incident Investigation (Root Cause Analysis) Training Courses
- Revamped Hydrodesulfurizer & Reformer PSV and Flare Capacity Evaluation
- Petroleum Refinery Turnaround Vessel Inspection Support
- Refinery Relief Device and Flare Header Revalidation and Documentation Updates
- Independent Refinery PSV Sizing in the Crude and Extract Units
- Refinery Crude Distillation Unit Relief Valve and Flare System Capacity Evaluation
- Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Selection Analysis using Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) Methodology
- Failure Modes Effects Analyses (FMEAs) of Refinery Boiler Systems
- Refinery Flare System Purge Gas Optimization Study