- Renewable Diesel Process Technology Due Diligence Evaluation
- Food Ingredients and Bio-Refining Technologies Development Evaluation and Due Diligence
- Ethanol Plant Simulation and Process Design Package Automation
- Independent Third-Party Design Review of New Tire Recycling Pyrolysis Plant
- Mixed Alcohols Plant Truck Unloading Flare System Analysis
- Biodiesel Plant Independent Process Evaluation, Troubleshooting, and Startup Support
- Recycled Plastics/Fibers Pilot-Plant Technical Review and Engineering Documentation
- Ethanol System Falling Film Evaporators Design Review and Separators Design
- Thermal Oxidizer Replacement Alternatives Screening and Technical and Economic Evaluation
- HF/HNO3 Transfer System Process Evaluation and Certification
- Dust Collector Deflagration Vent Modifications Evaluation
- New Product Batch Reactor System Preliminary Dynamic Simulation Design Evaluation
- Process Design Review of Acetic Acid Refining Unit Detail Engineering Design
- Organic Acid Production Plant Detail Process Design and Equipment Specifications Preparation
- Independent Process Evaluation and Product Comparison for a Hypochlorous Acid Producer
- Modified Hot Oil System Independent Engineering Technical Evaluation
- Sugar Concentration Facility Evaporator/Stripper Process Simulation
- Evaluation of a Glucose/Dextrose Oxidation Pilot Plant for Producing Potassium Acid Saccharate
- European Plant Design Review Prior to Relocation
- Food Slurry High-Pressure Let-Down System Design Review
- Sodium Processing Facility Process Design and Process Safety Evaluation
- Specialty Metals Recovery Pilot Facility Design/Operational Review
- Lithium Production Facility Independent Design Review
- Silica Powder Production Process Review, Documentation, and Improvements
- Silica Powders Lab and Pilot Process Design and Safety Review