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Perform process alternative evaluations and develop an FEL-1 level process design and cost estimate information to achieve a 40% increase in wastewater treatment capacity at a chemical manufacturing facility.
Evaluate and make recommendations to correct unacceptable effluent suspended solids and fecal coliform concentrations from an extended aeration activated-sludge waste water treatment system at a golf club.
Evaluation of municipal water treatment plant capacity and design of modifications needed to double the current throughput.
Process design of a new plant wastewater treatment system designed to meet specific discharge permit standards.
Provide a process alternatives evaluation followed by the preparation of a process design information for a proprietary new produced water desalination system.
Design, and manage the procurement, installation, and start-up of a coagulant/flocculent chemical feed system for a municipal water plant.
Develop a design for a skid mounted distillation column for the separation of glycol/water mixtures resulting from commercial airline deicing operations.
Provide engineering services for the creation of process modeling tools to for predictive use in a variety of soil decontamination process configurations.
Detailed technical and economic alternatives evaluation to help select processing technology for treating inorganic solid mixed wastes at a commercial waste treatment facility.
Design review of a mixed waste treatment facility.
Evaluation of an existing waste treatment system for handling of a known solid waste matrix containing PCBs and other organic contaminants.
Process engineering and design services for a mixed waste treatment facility treating a variety of mixed, RCRA-hazardous, and TSCA wastes.
Develop detailed operating procedures for a catalytic extraction waste treatment plant during facility pre-startup activities.
Perform a detailed engineering assessment of a vent system design at a facility to size-reduce dry active waste (DAW) via a semi-automated shredding and baling system.
Provide process engineering services for a plant upgrade at a catalytic extraction waste thermal treatment unit to increase capacity and broaden the spectrum of waste streams that could be processed through the facility.
Develop a computer process simulation model for predicting system operating parameters for various incinerator hazardous feed rates and compositions.
Detailed design reviews, during pre-startup activities, of operating systems at a catalytic extraction waste treatment facility.
Plan and manage pilot-plant filtering and drying tests of a biological sludge feed stream leading to the design of a commercial-scale sludge pretreatment system.
Preliminary design activities for a caustic byproduct purification unit within a catalytic extraction waste thermal treatment system.
Design of a size-reduction and reacted/slurried ceramic in water mixture process for the production of a ceramic product as part of a waste thermal treatment system.
Detailed technical and economic evaluation of critical operations associated with a biological sludge pretreatment system to prepare a sludge stream for continuous processing through a thermal treatment system.
Process design of a pretreatment and bulk feed system for the continuous processing of a biological sludge stream through a thermal treatment system.
Provide air pollution control systems process modeling assistance in order to improve and optimize waste incineration facility performance.
Perform a technical and cost feasibility study for adding pure oxygen to the combustion air inlet on a submerged bed heater for a hazardous waste incineration facility.